Get a Better Handle On Life
Fresh and practical ideas to help you deal with life‘s challenges from psychology, personal development, and the world of work. My guests and I share innovative ways to help your personal growth, and protect mental health. My aim to sweep away the doubts and uncertainties that often prevent people from sorting out the things that bug them and living a better life.

Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Why Fear of Therapy Stops People from Getting the Help They Need
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Fear of therapy is a very real phenomenon. It’s ironic that while it is seen as irresponsible not to seek help with a physical illness, there is a taboo against wanting to fix an ailment of the spirit (if ‘spirit’ turns you off, try ‘psyche’).
In a world so preoccupied with happiness, success, wellbeing and fulfilment, there is an equal and opposite tension the deflects people from the things that can help a person achieve them.

Sunday Mar 29, 2020
How to Stop an Argument
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Is it worth seven minutes of your time to learn how to stop an argument? Like most people, I learned the hard way how NOT to do it. But then, 25 years as a professional conflict resolver has taught me a thing or two about how to stop an argument, now I'm sharing it with you.

Saturday Mar 28, 2020
How to Think Like an Optimist
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
We hear a lot of talk about optimism and it is often promoted as a sort of cure for personal and social ills. Despite the banter between optimists and pessimists, there are compelling reasons to consider optimism as a key factor in wellbeing. These go far beyond the usual, glib ‘glass half full’ ideas or the entreaties of the positive thinking movement.
There are now thousands of studies that attest to the value of optimism at all stages of our lives. From childhood to old age an optimistic outlook confers all sorts of advantages.
Even if you are a die-hard pessimist, you can learn to use optimistic habits of thinking when things are getting you down.
This episode explains some of the benefits of thinking optimistically, and how to train yourself into the habit.
#optimism #positivepsychology #negativity #optimistic #adversity #personaldevelopment

Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Explaining About Me, My Podcast, and Why?
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
This episode introduces your author, explains what drives the podcast, and outlines some of the topics covered.
Topics in the 2020 episodes include surviving lockdown, why we need solitude, resilience, handling difficult behaviour, the benefits of knitting and other pastimes, anxiety, conflict... more to be announced soon.

Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Difficult People – How to Handle Difficult Behaviour part 2
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Other people’s difficult behaviour can affect us in all sorts of ways. If we are fortunate, it will simply irritate us, but when it is extreme it can cause more serious problems.
This is the second and final part of the concise audio-version of my book of the same name. Using studio role-plays it shows you how to achieve more productive outcomes in a whole range of relationships. It will help you successfully settle those difficult interactions – at work or at home – that just won’t resolve themselves.
You'll also be given the opportunity to understand how to prepare yourself so that you are more effective more often in your relationships.
This episode covers:
The Complainer
The Silent Type
The Congenial
The Expert.

Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Difficult People – How to Handle Difficult Behaviour Part 1
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
We all come across them. People who either won't or can't change the ways they behave towards us. It might be outright hostility and boorishness, across the spectrum to those who appear to agree with us, only to go off and do their own thing.
Confronting them doesn't work (as if you dared), and ignoring their behaviour only serves to reinforce it. This episode will give you plenty of ideas on how to respond so that difficult behaviour no longer obstructs or troubles you.
Using studio actors to demonstrate failed 'how-not-to' tactics followed by the successful 'how-to' scenarios, the two 30-minute episodes (part 2 next week) will empower you to take control in any situation where someone else's behaviour is getting you down.
This episode explains how to deal with:
The Steamroller
The Guerilla
The Grouser
The Shadow.