Get a Better Handle On Life
Fresh and practical ideas to help you deal with life‘s challenges from psychology, personal development, and the world of work. My guests and I share innovative ways to help your personal growth, and protect mental health. My aim to sweep away the doubts and uncertainties that often prevent people from sorting out the things that bug them and living a better life.

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
How to Create Headroom to Avoid Stress Overwhelm
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
If unexpected events often leave you feeling overwhelmed and stressed, this podcast episode is for you. Whether you typically manage your stress levels well, or not, a sudden change of plan can push you past your limit, and into overwhelm.
Listen to this episode and learn how better to cope with unexpected occurrences that can leave you feeling anxious and stressed. I'll tell you what is meant by headroom, and how you can can you develop it to increase your resilience to strss, with examples!
Plus, I have developed the Stress Barometer. You can use it to identify your stress level in real time, and act to create the headroom you need.
The Stress Gauge
Find me here: Linkt.ree
#stressmanagement #resilience #thestressgauge #anxiety #panicattack #lifepressures #overwhelm

Saturday Mar 16, 2024
Daniel Hauge – A Life Changing System
Saturday Mar 16, 2024
Saturday Mar 16, 2024
Have you ever been desparate to change your life or something about yourself by you didn't know where to start? You knew exactly whare your goal was, but you just didn't know where to start or how to get there? If so, this episode is for you.
Daniel Hauge is a young, Danish entrepreneur who worked that out. It wasn't easy, but he learned how to stick to the plan, deal with the obstacles, and get to where he needed to be. And now he's created a systemised approach to helping others move toward their full potential.
In this episode he's going to share how he did it and some of what he learned.
Starting from adolescent beginnings where an eye-opening moment told him that, in his words, his life "was not set to work out well", he committed to learning and designing an approach that would produce the results he wanted.
Contact Daniel Hauge
#lifepurpose #love #selflove #soulpurpose #lifecoach

Saturday Mar 09, 2024
Rick Gough – Giving and Receiving Recognition at Work
Saturday Mar 09, 2024
Saturday Mar 09, 2024
How important is it to thank your colleagues at work? Listen how you can transform your workplace culture for the better, AND boost your own popularity.
Regular contributor Rick Gough and I explore recognition at work from both sides, giving and receiving, and why acknowledging the efforts and accomplishments of colleagues is more than just a gesture – it's a cornerstone of building a positive and thriving work environment.
We discuss how recognition at work not only boosts morale but also fuels motivation and engagement across the board. Moreover, we'll examine how such acknowledgment sets a precedent for fostering a culture of appreciation and respect in the workplace, ultimately benefiting the entire organisation.
Don't miss this illuminating discussion, first broadcast on my radio show, Spotlight on Business, on Seahaven FM.
#recognitionatwork #employeeengagement #PositiveWorkEnvironment #SpotlightOnBusiness #SeahavenFM
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Sunday Mar 03, 2024
What I Learned about Having a Stroke – and don't blame Alexa!
Sunday Mar 03, 2024
Sunday Mar 03, 2024
I was attempting to get Alexa to play my favourite track, but my words came out all wrong. I guessed I might be having some sort of cerebral malfunction, and it turned out to be right.
It's what is called a TIA, or mini stroke, and it is also a warning sign. Fortunately, the NHS team came to the rescue. Don't let them tell you "the NHS is broken".
But it's not all bad! A lot of good came out of it for me personally, and there were some major learning points coming from my experiences throughout the day.
Spoiler alert! It wasn't as bad as I thought, but it was a warning sign, and not just for me.
#stroke #TIA #NHS #healthcrisis #wellbeing

Friday Feb 23, 2024
The Logic of Depression: A Starting Point for Getting Free
Friday Feb 23, 2024
Friday Feb 23, 2024
There is, what I call the ‘logic of depression’. It completely skews your thinking when you are depressed. If you suffer from depression, you’ll know how utterly it can take you over and leave you feeling powerless to do anything about it.
When we understand how this faulty logic hijacks the mind and narrows our ability to see beyond the restricted view it dictates, we can begin to see new possibilities and break free of depression's clutches.
I was invited to be interviewed for the Stop Depression Summit in 2023 on the Logic of Depression. As so often happens when we are deeply involved in a conversation, ideas that we wouldn't normally have while alone, percolate through and become available to as in what I think of as a 'meeting of minds'.
Depression is a persuasive and pervasive condition that completely dominates your thinking. One of the reasons it is self-perpetuating is that this faulty logic colours our thinking and tells us things – always bad things, never good – that are utterly believable.
This is one of the main reasons that people who suffer this way depression don’t seek help. The Logic of Depression, as I call it, says that nothing will help, and there is no way out. Why would any reasonable person go against that?
This episode is a recoding of the interview I gave for the depression summit, in early 2023.
On my blog, you can find out more about the Logic of Depression.

Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
How to Heal a Broken Heart – Coping to Bereavement and Loss
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Discover actionable strategies to heal a broken heart in this insightful podcast episode. Grieving the loss of a loved one is a universal human experience, but it doesn't have to consume you. Join me as I navigate the journey of healing, offering practical tips and comforting guidance. While the pain can feel overwhelming, remember that growth often emerges from adversity. Tune in to emerge stronger and more resilient on the other side of grief.
Here's a written version of the nine points I mention in this episode.
© Backing Track: Adventure, Chad Crouch,, licence CC BY-NC 4.0

Friday Jul 07, 2023
Don’t You Just Hate Feedback? A Conversation with Rick Gough
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Love it or hate it, feedback is never really popular.
Most of us don't like giving feedback, and when it comes to receiving it, feedback is even less popular. Many people openly mistrust it!Feedback is intended to help us be better at what we do, so where do these negative feelings come from?
I'm in conversation with wise-manager and regular guest, Rick Gough. He shares his insights from his 28 years as a manager in a large multinational. We come up with some guidelines for giving AND receiving feedback, and in the process we stumble across some interesting side issues.
#getabetterhandleonlife #businesstalk #givingfeedback
Email Rick Gough
Email Barry Winbolt
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Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Can You Trust Conventional Wisdom? The Clue is in ’Conventional’
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Conventional wisdom is generally accepted, but it may or may not be the best advice to follow if you want to lead a fulfilling and unconventional life.
Because conventional wisdom usually goes unquestioned, it can create problems when incorrect ideas gain wide acceptance. This can make exploring new ideas much more difficult. In cases such as this, incorrect conventional wisdom can interfere with a person's health and the type of medical care they receive.
In this episode, I offer some powerful alternatives for opening up possibilities and stimulating creativity.
#getabetterhandleonlife #conventionalwisdom #creativethinking
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The book I mentioned is The Art of the Focused Conversation.

Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Unlocking Potential – Counselling and the Creative Journey, with Eric Marshall
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Eric was drawn into counselling after a slow process of realisation that, unless he did, he would lose someone who was extremely precious to him.
When we mentioned accountancy in this enlightening discussion, it was to draw parallels between learning, self-discovery, ambition, and success. What we discovered though, is the remarkable power of conversation to go where it needs to so that we can discover more about ourselves.
Creativity is only part of it, this is a testimony to how being brave enough to face who we really are can lead us to being unexpectedly content and, as you'll hear, genuinely happy.
#counselling #accountancy #entrepreneur #selfdiscovery #creativity #getabetterhandleonlife

Monday Jan 30, 2023
Follow the Dream – The Power of Owning Your Values, with Mohammed Kasujee.
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Leaving a a well paid job to follow your dream is always a risk, but that's what Mohammed Kasujee did. He shares his inspiring story and offers guidance to others who may be holding themselves back.
Do you feel that life has more to offer you than your current situation allows? Or, maybe you are almost ready to take a leap of faith and do your own thing? What about friends and family, would they encourage you to break out and start an entirely new career?
Mohammed Kasujee faced all these questions. He discusses his inspiring account of his transition, and the deep sense of purpose that he learned to recognise and trust on his journey to greater fulfilment and happiness.
#podcast #transition #career #careercoach #getabetterhandleonlife
Find Mohammed Kasujee:
Find Barry Winbolt at: