Get a Better Handle On Life
Fresh and practical ideas to help you deal with life‘s challenges from psychology, personal development, and the world of work. My guests and I share innovative ways to help your personal growth, and protect mental health. My aim to sweep away the doubts and uncertainties that often prevent people from sorting out the things that bug them and living a better life.

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Questions can be Powerful so Use Them Wisely
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
We use questions constantly, in our conversations with others and our conversations with ourselves. But we rarely think about how we structure them and, mostly, they go unnoticed. They are such a central part of how we think, act, and communicate that it would be hard to imagine how we could manage without questions.
Questions are powerful, to be sure, and in all sorts of ways, some unexpected. You might think of them as a grammatical construct designed to elicit information, but not all questions produce equal results. Some can even tie us up in knots, so they can be a powerful waste of time.
We travel through life guided by our questions, so it is a good idea to ask the ones that show us the direction we should be taking. Questions are an essential part of how we think and communicate. Without them, we would be neither able to think straight nor communicate effectively.
Further reading
In this episode, I mention The Art of the Question by Marilee Goldberg, and my short read. Powerful Questions, on the LiveMore app.
© Backing Track: Adventure, Chad Crouch,, licence CC BY-NC 4.0

Friday Aug 14, 2020
The Power of an Apology – When and How to Say Sorry
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Have you ever wanted to say sorry, but you've held back? Maybe you thought that the other person should say it first, that apologising would make you appear weak, or that the problem was in the past and now it's too late to say sorry?
The power of apology is often under-estimated. It's essential to resolve a conflict or ask forgiveness, yet apologising is often discouraged and in some cases even prohibited!
When you appreciate just how important apologising is and to want to do something about it, this can be a steep learning curve, but worth the effort.
Whether it concerns a recent event or something that happened between you in the past, apologising doesn't need to be a complicated or drawn-out process. As long as it is genuine, a sincere expression of regret is often the first step to better relations, rebuilding trust AND an end to any underlying sense of tension or guilt you may have been feeling.
Download the article which accompanies this episode here.
#apology #howtosaysorry #apologise #regret #relationship #remorse
© Backing Track: Adventure, Chad Crouch,, licence CC BY-NC 4.0

Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Confidence, Becoming a Presenter and the Distraction of Self-Esteem
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Most people, at some time, have felt unsure about themselves or doubted their abilities. Often this takes the form of 'lacking confidence' or being 'under-confident'. In some people, this can become a mantra which holds them back from realising their potential. At an even more basic level, feeling under-confident can mean weaker social ties and poorer prospects in relationships, career, even in Life itself.
We've been fed the idea that good self-esteem breeds confidence, but there's a fine line between belief in oneself and narcissism. How do you stay on the right side of that line?
Becoming more confident is not an intellectual exercise, it is about taking action. You have to push yourself a little to get past the doubts, fears and uncertainties that have been holding you back. But there's no point in denying them, they are there for a reason.
Confidence is built on success, so anything that you are capable of that made you feel good at the time can bolster your sense of self-worth.This inventory can also include your character strengths, so ask around; what do others appreciate in you?
#confidence #presentationskills #selfesteem #motivation
Links – In this episode I mention:
The VIA Character Strengths Inventory
Does High Self-Esteem Cause Better Performance, Interpersonal Success, Happiness, or Healthier Lifestyles?
How to Boost Confidence with a Vision Board.
© Backing Track: Adventure, Chad Crouch,, licence CC BY-NC 4.0

Tuesday May 19, 2020
Podcast Trailer – Get a Better Handle on Life
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
I'm a psychologist, therapist and writer. I've built my career around helping people sort out the things that trouble them. Anything, from relationship problems, personal change, mental health issues, work-related problems... you name it.
You can find out more about the topics I cover on my blog at
© Backing Track: Adventure, Chad Crouch,, licence CC BY-NC 4.0

Sunday May 17, 2020
Resilience – What It Is, Why You Need It, and How to Get It.
Sunday May 17, 2020
Sunday May 17, 2020
Resilience refers to a person's ability to function well in the face of high demand, unwanted change, challenge, or adversity.
It is built of a set of characteristics that most people possess to some degree. We are naturally stronger in some of these traits than in others. This means that we can play to our strengths, and recognise and develop the characteristics which are under-developed or lacking. This is the process of developing personal resilience.
And you can learn how to do that. When you understand what these characteristics are, you can begin to foster attitudes and habits in yourself which will boost your resilience and reduce the impact of stressful events.
I'll tell you how – by doing a little each day – you can gradually become more emotionally robust and use your energies so that you flourish, rather than struggling with the things that hold so many people back when they face an unexpected challenge, crisis, or persistently high demand.
#resilient #resilience #emotionalresilience #selfcare #burnout #mentalhealth #stressmanagement
© Backing Track: Adventure, Chad Crouch,, licence CC BY-NC 4.0

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Why I Won’t be Knitting During Lockdown
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
There's a strong case for doing things with your hands. This may be on our minds more than usual at a time when many of us are finding we have so much time to fill. I explain why practical hobbies and pastimes are good for you, and why knitting is only one of many things I won't be doing during Lockdown, however long it lasts.
© Backing Track: Adventure, Chad Crouch,, licence CC BY-NC 4.0

Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Working From Home – A Transiition Not Everyone Can Handle
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Working from home is a boon for many people. Hopefully, for those it suits, maybe their way of working can change forever. However, since the pandemic we have seen that it isn't for everyone.
But you have to approach it like a grown-up. Once the novelty has worn off, when, eventually, you are the only one left at home, what then? I love working from home, always have done, but over the years I've found some people really struggle with it.
So what about you? Are you loving it, hating it, or still adjusting. This episode has some tips to make the transition easier, and some advice about going easy on yourself. Transitions always take a little time.
© Backing Track: Adventure, Chad Crouch,, licence CC BY-NC 4.0

Monday Apr 06, 2020
Solitude – When You Choose to be Alone
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Being alone doesn't mean being lonely, they are two different things. Just as we need social contact, we also require moments of peace and quiet. There is a powerful drive in the human mind to withdraw, reflect, and recharge our energies.
One way to think about this is that time to reflect and do nothing allows our inner self to do the housework, to tidy up loose ends and come to terms with things. This is essential for physical health and mental wellbeing.
This episode explains how to transform loneliness into time well spent which will act as a doorway into better times.
© Backing Track: Adventure, Chad Crouch,, licence CC BY-NC 4.0

Thursday Apr 02, 2020
The Myth of Communication Breakdown
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
You’ve heard the expression, you may even have used it. ‘Communication breakdown’ is a handy metaphor, but a metaphor is symbolic, which means it shouldn’t be taken literally.
Communication breakdown is a handy concept, but it can also be a cop-out. It’s a useful term in that it suggests an impasse, but if you take it literally it becomes an excuse to stop trying.
What 'communication breakdown' really means is missed opportunity to help a damaged relationship.
Whether you are directly involved in a dispute, or you are a professional conflict resolver helping others, this episode is packed with sound, practical advice to enable you to fix an impasse.
© Backing Track: Adventure, Chad Crouch,, licence CC BY-NC 4.0

Monday Mar 30, 2020
Living with Lockdown – How to Stay Sane in a World Gone Mad
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Depending on where you live in the World you are either under lockdown, or it is imminent in your area. This measure has been inflicted on us to help protect our physical health and that of the community. But it might seem that our mental health and wellbeing could now be put at risk by forced confinement.
But it doesn't have to be. There are several steps you can take to keep yourself occupied, emotionally stable, and even on a positive track so that you flourish despite your curtailed freedom of movement.
We still have control
Of course, there are limitations to being stuck at home, and it feels as though something has been taken away. But there's a lot you can do to help keep a sense of control and so bolster your morale.